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The latest at Alcovy Mountain Baptist Church

Stay up to date with the happenings of Alcovy Mountain Baptist Church by visiting our blog. You'll find information such as announcements, sermon notes and thoughts from our pastor to encourage and challenge your walk with the Lord.

Why We Interpret Scripture Literally

by: Scott Clark



In the last several weeks, the ladies of the church have been navigating a complex study on the book of Revelation. As the world seems more and more out of control, the desire to understand Bible prophecy grows among the saints who seek to know God's plan in it all, but it is a study fraught with pitfalls and distractions. Any study of the book of Revelation must be done with great care and respect for Scriptures. As such, I feel the need to address an issue that this stud

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Thoughts on Apples

by: Scott Clark



Two years ago, my wife and I planted two apple trees in our yard. Actually, we've planted a lot of different things that produce food, but this post is about apples. For some reason, we reference apples a lot to mean other things in our culture. For example, we would never think of comparing apples and oranges, and we know that it takes at least one apple each day to avoid the doctor. All that being the case, there are some things we can learn from apples.

"Don't upset the

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Rules, Regulations, and the Christian Walk

by: Scott Clark



For those of you following along with our morning services, you know we've been taking a deep look into the book of Galatians. Galatians was the first book the Apostle Paul wrote, and he did so to combat the all-to-common tendency of Christians to add works to the Gospel. Paul repeatedly calls this added requirement (in this case circumcision) a different Gospel. Jesus came to fulfill the Law and He did. He kept it perfectly in its entirety, fulfilling the onerous requirem

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Love is Hard Work, but It's Worth It

by: Scott Clark



I must admit, my sermon this past Sunday went in a direction I hadn't planned. Suddenly, my slides were wrong, my notes were wrong, and my plan was wrong. So, we took a left hand turn right into a new topic: Love. It all started when I noted that Paul was asking the Galatians if he was their enemy for telling them the truth that keeping the law couldn't save them. Immediately, I sensed the need to add context. Paul's words were not out of a concern that he be seen as right

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When Judgement Comes . . .

by: Scott Clark



I learned this week that a mega-church "pastor" named John Lindell held a Christian men's conference at his church in Springfield, Missouri. As part of his "Stronger Men's" conference, he brought in a "performer" to entertain the men. The performer was a former male stripper who removed his shirt, danced, swung around a pole, and performed a sword swallowing act. While some in the crowd were delighted, at least a few were rightfully horrified. It boggles the mind that such

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We Must Stay United

by: Scott Clark



Since arriving at Alcovy Mountain Baptist Church in December, I've continued to pray for our church to be of one heart and one mind. I had sensed that it was important. No, scratch that. I had sensed that it was CRITICAL that we not give in to the sin of division. Satan is well aware that a unified church is very dangerous to his plans, so he spares no expense in trying to stir up people against one another. A quiet conversation between two or three people centered on the

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Welcome To The New Alcovy Mountain Baptist Website

by: Scott Clark



We are so excited to present our newly designed website. As you can see, it has a fresh new look and easy navigation to help you get the information you need quickly and efficiently. Many thanks to the ChurchSpring team for helping us launch such a beautiful new church website. To God be the glory!

Alcovy Mountain Baptist Church's mission is to meet people at the crossroads of life with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to help one another along the journey of spiritual grow

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