When Judgement Comes . . .


Sunday | 9:30 AM Sunday School | 10:45 AM Worship Service |

by: Scott Clark



I learned this week that a mega-church "pastor" named John Lindell held a Christian men's conference at his church in Springfield, Missouri. As part of his "Stronger Men's" conference, he brought in a "performer" to entertain the men. The performer was a former male stripper who removed his shirt, danced, swung around a pole, and performed a sword swallowing act. While some in the crowd were delighted, at least a few were rightfully horrified. It boggles the mind that such a display would occur in a church that claims to be "evangelical". How could a pastor approve of such a display? I can't answer that, but I can say that the guest speaker at the conference, who himself was no stranger to controversy, was not amused. When he took the stage later, he rightfully noted the "spirit of Jezebel" present in the church and in the performance. Perhaps that was the very least he could do. His response seemed very reserved, maybe too much so.  Yet, it was more than the conference organizer could abide.

While the guest preacher was still speaking, the church's pastor began calling him down from the cheap seats. He accused him of violating Matthew 18 by not coming to him privately and had him removed from the stage. Aside from the obvious misapplication of Matthew 18 (see Galatians 2 for the proper handling of public offenses), it was clear that this pastor was not willing to acknowledge the inappropriateness of the "entertainment". From my perspective, I find it amazing that no one stood to oppose the act while it was happening. This was a church, after all. 

Which brings me to my point. If you want to understand why our nation has fallen so quickly from our moral underpinnings, take a look at the church in America. Just a few short decades ago, such a display would have been beyond the imagination. Now, it's defended by so-called men of God. We aren't just flirting with the world. We've married it. But do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? (James 4:4)

When the church walks in worldliness and openly embraces that which the Bible calls sin, it is no longer the church of the living God or the pillar and ground of truth (I Tim 3:15). It no longer even has the "form of godliness", let alone any power (II Tim 3:5). When the church becomes just like the world, it has ZERO impact ON the world. It's like salt that has lost its salty flavor. It is useless. So, the world marches on to destruction with nothing to hold it back any longer. 

At a time when America needs father Abraham negotiating with God for His mercy, we instead have a room full of his nephew's family participating in and celebrating sin. Make no mistake, when judgment falls on our nation and our world, it's because we are literally begging for it. Your challenge in the meantime is to be the salt and light this world so desperately needs. Share Jesus with anyone who will listen and rescue as many as possible.

Love you all,
Pastor Clark

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I learned this week that a mega-church "pastor" named John Lindell held a Christian men's conference at his church in Springfield, Missouri. As part of his "Stronger Men's" conference, he brought in a "performer" to entertain the men. The performer was a former male stripper who removed his shirt, danced, swung around a pole, and performed a sword swallowing act. While some in the crowd were delighted, at least a few were rightfully horrified. It boggles the mind that such a display would occur in a church that claims to be "evangelical". How could a pastor approve of such a display? I can't answer that, but I can say that the guest speaker at the conference, who himself was no stranger to controversy, was not amused. When he took the stage later, he rightfully noted the "spirit of Jezebel" present in the church and in the performance. Perhaps that was the very least he could do. His response seemed very reserved, maybe too much so.  Yet, it was more than the conference organizer could abide.

While the guest preacher was still speaking, the church's pastor began calling him down from the cheap seats. He accused him of violating Matthew 18 by not coming to him privately and had him removed from the stage. Aside from the obvious misapplication of Matthew 18 (see Galatians 2 for the proper handling of public offenses), it was clear that this pastor was not willing to acknowledge the inappropriateness of the "entertainment". From my perspective, I find it amazing that no one stood to oppose the act while it was happening. This was a church, after all. 

Which brings me to my point. If you want to understand why our nation has fallen so quickly from our moral underpinnings, take a look at the church in America. Just a few short decades ago, such a display would have been beyond the imagination. Now, it's defended by so-called men of God. We aren't just flirting with the world. We've married it. But do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? (James 4:4)

When the church walks in worldliness and openly embraces that which the Bible calls sin, it is no longer the church of the living God or the pillar and ground of truth (I Tim 3:15). It no longer even has the "form of godliness", let alone any power (II Tim 3:5). When the church becomes just like the world, it has ZERO impact ON the world. It's like salt that has lost its salty flavor. It is useless. So, the world marches on to destruction with nothing to hold it back any longer. 

At a time when America needs father Abraham negotiating with God for His mercy, we instead have a room full of his nephew's family participating in and celebrating sin. Make no mistake, when judgment falls on our nation and our world, it's because we are literally begging for it. Your challenge in the meantime is to be the salt and light this world so desperately needs. Share Jesus with anyone who will listen and rescue as many as possible.

Love you all,
Pastor Clark

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1 Comments on this post:

Jerry Shirley

Good word bro

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